Sunday, February 26, 2012

Steaming vegetables

Steaming vegetables is one of the easiest things you can do that you can't really screw up, or at least not too much. If you have a food steamer just follow the directions for that, but if you don't -- as I do not -- you can either do them on the stove top or in the microwave. Steaming vegetables is also one of the healthiest ways, if not THE, healthiest way to cook vegetables. Steaming also helps the vegetables keep their color, texture, the flavor is better retained and their nutritional content is kept better as well.

If you are steaming on stove top you will need a large pot, a steamer basket or colander and a lid. If you are steaming in the microwave you will need a microwave-safe bowl and microwave-safe plastic wrap.

STOVE TOP instructions:

Fill a pot with enough water so it barely reaches the bottom of the colander or steamer basket. Once the water comes to a boil, add the vegetables and place a loose fitting lid on top to cover. If the lid fits a little tightly over the colander just position it off the edge a bit so steam can escape.

MICROWAVE instructions:

Place the vegetables in a microwave-safe bowl. Do NOT add any more water than what it takes to rinse your vegetables. Cover the bowl with microwave-safe plastic wrap but make sure you leave one corner open to vent.

Now, the length of time it takes to steam vegetables depends on their size and thickness. It also depends on the vegetable you use as well as the method you choose to use to steam. For the carrots I made with my meal I would say it would take at least twice as long as the suggested six to eight minutes because I used whole baby carrots instead of slices.

Again, it also depends on how soft you want your vegetables. Like everything, you should try your food before serving so if you are fine with the texture then go ahead and serve. If they are semi-hard and you are fine with that eat them. If you want them softer, cook them longer.

For a list of vegetables and suggested cooking times click here.

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